Downloading a book
Sometimes there are different types downloads of the same manuscript. Why
There are different types of layouts provided. Many have been re-formatted from our normal layout so that you can print them out on a standard 8.5"x11" sheet of paper like is used in the USA or you can print them on an A4 sheet of paper like is used in most other countries. There are five basic types you will find on our site. 1. This is a standard 8.5"x11" page, print 2 sides, with "binder" space. This means that the manuscripts is laid-out so that you will print text on both sides of your sheets of paper. So you have to run each sheet through you printer or copier twice. One time for each side. With "binder" space means that we have made that pages so that there will be a 1.5" blank space down the left-side of each page. That is so you can place it in a binding folder, place it in a notebook or staple it together down the left side. This way you can do that without having a problem reading the print after you bind or staple it. 2. This is a standard 8.5"x11" page, print 1 side, with binder space. This means that the manuscripts is laid-out so that you will print text on only the front side of your sheet of paper. So you run each sheet through you printer or copier once. This also means you will use more paper for each copy. With "binder" space means that we have made that pages so that there will be a 1.5" blank space down the left-side of each page. That is so you can place it in a binding folder, place it in a notebook or staple it together down the left side. This way you can do that without having a problem reading the print after you bind or staple it. 3. Print-a-book This is a lay-out that allows you to produce a copy of the original book. Your copy would be printed on both sides of each sheet of paper. It would be folded in the middle to make a book and then you would staple it along the fold. Then it would be a book. To produce this lay-out we take an original copy of the book and open it out flat. We remove the staples that hold it together and then make a copy of each side of each sheet of paper that make up the book. We then combine those images into a file you can download. To use this file you simply reverse our process. For more information on using this file please "click on this link". 4. Print-a-Manuscript This means that the manuscript or book has been printed out into a pdf file so you can print it on your home or office computer. Ot differs fro a "Print-a-book" in that you can not staple it in the middle and fold it into a book. A "print-a-Man" is printed and then stapled on the left-hand edge on the top left hand corner. 5. Print-layout This mean that this prints out a original for taking to a printer for the printer to trim and 'lay-out' his original for making a plate from which he would print. If you need help or need the book in a different format, we may be able to help. Please feel free to write us with your need. |